Moving Forward

Round Table

The Potential For Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

2020-01-09 20:00:00

The Potential For Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare


Julia M. Puaschunder

Researcher Columbia University & The New School, New York City

Josef Mantl, CEO, JMC
Michael Scherz, Head of Innovation, AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA

Christiane Holzinger, Federal Chair Woman, Junior Chamber Austria

Thursday, 9 January 2019, 8pm
Le Méridien Vienna
Robert-Stolz-Platz 1, 1010 Vienna___

→ Julia M. Puaschunder

Julia is a teacher and researcher in New York. Trained as a behavioral economist with Doctorates in Social and Economic Sciences as well as Natural Sciences, she has almost 20 years of experience in empirical research in the international arena. She authored 7 books on corporate and financial ethics, intergenerational fairness and leadership, which are held in over 500 libraries around the world.

Before starting a Prize Fellowship in the Inter-University Consortium of New York at Columbia University, Princeton University and The New School, Julia M. Puaschunder held positions at the University of Vienna and the Vienna University of Economics and Business. For several years she was an Associate of the Harvard University Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

Julia is included in the ‚2018 Marquis Who’s Who in America and in the World‘ among the top 3% professionals around the globe. She was awarded the 2018 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award. Most recently, she started teaching behavioral leadership.

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Round Table

The Potential For Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare